You Can’t Read?

Ben Arnold
9 min readSep 26, 2017


You Can’t Read?

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You Can’t Read?

If you can’t read or don’t know the basics of the language then please go to your local library and study a “How-to-Speak-(the language)” book and memorize the 2,000 most common vocabulary words, their meaning & use, before commencing reading these scripts. That’s easy, and usually takes no more than a few weeks. Your reward will last a lifetime.

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Speak Any Language Instantly!
It’s “FREE” forever! Right here:

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Don’t Leave Your House!

You don’t even need to leave your house. Because even if all you do is watch the news, read books, and correspond with people on the internet, those languages will expose you to new perspectives, new cultures, and facts about the world around you that you never knew before. Opportunities for a better life, more excitement, and more joy, will open up to you.

The Best Language:

Here at my website I provide you with movie scripts for the top global languages: English, Spanish, Hindi, Chinese, etc. Don’t worry if we don’t have the languages that you want. I can show you how to get them. But first make sure you know this very important fact:

You Need These Top 5 Languages

Because these languages are huge! They’re growing! Adopting new words every day for the new advances and discoveries in science and technology and medicine and human psychology and understanding of the heavens and universe and our planet and animals and humans and all existence! These languages are continually expanding and improving. Your opportunity for a healthy brain and an exciting life are limitless with these top global languages.

Need another language?

I can create scripts for any language you need. Or I can show you how to make your own. Read more about those two options in the next paragraph down below. But please also take advantage of the top global languages that I have already provided for free here at my powerful website.

If you need scripts for a language that we don’t have we’re going to need to create it which takes a lot of time and labor. Once we have it then it’s free for everyone except it still requires a lot of time and labor for us to me. And so unfortunately, we’re going to need to ask that the first person pays $200 for us to make it. That’s fair because you might be the only person on the planet who wants scripts in that particular language!

Make sure you remain fluent in at least 2 languages, optimally 3 languages, and if you can please become fluent in 5 languages as a minimum. So that you can go anywhere in the world! And of course, that includes your native language.

How to make scripts in another language:

If you want a language that I don’t provide please email me and tell me which ones you need. In my response to your email I’ll tell you how I make my scripts. You can use my method to make your own scripts. And perhaps I can help you do it. Perhaps I will do it for you. It depends on the language. But I recommend that you become fluent the top global languages as well. I provide all of those right here at this website. They’re free! For the whole world!

How Many Languages?

Scientists recommend that you speak at least 5 languages. That’s because their research shows that people who speak more than 3 languages have the healthiest brains and lived the longest. Their bodies were healthier because their brains were healthy. Is it okay to speak 20 languages? Or more? Yes. I recommend 5 as a minimum. And it’s very easy to speak 5 languages because on our planet there are 5 languages which are used very widely and very intensely.

English, Spanish, Hindi, and Chinese. You can count? Oh, you noticed I only mentioned 4 languages? Great job! Well, right now there’s a little competition between German and Japanese. The fact is, there’s only one place on earth where people speak Japanese in a significantly large region. The same is true of German. Those facts could change. And Chinese, English, Spanish, are in competition and whoever is #1 and #2 and #3 could change. But with any of the top 5 languages you can experience the most that a language can offer!

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Speak Any Language Instantly!
It’s “FREE” forever! Right here:

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Maybe you didn’t attend an Ivy League college. But if you are somebody who has, how great does it feel to tell people that you attended an Ivy League college? Well, what I’m about to give you for free will make you feel the exact same way, maybe even better!

Because many people have graduated from Ivy League colleges it doesn’t make you the #1 person on the planet. My gift to you will be yet another gem in your portfolio that will make people give you a double take!

However, if you’re like the majority of people on this planet who can’t get an Ivy League education, you’ll find that my gift is precious indeed! It’s literally a gold mine.

Yet even those with an Ivy League degree, should pay attention to what I’m about to give to you, totally for free, because my gift is for everyone. But only if you come here, and get it. Congratulations, you’re here right now! Get it!

Most people on this planet will never know about my gift. That’s truly a tragedy for them. You are truly fortunate! You’re at the right place, right time, right now.

Whether it’s for your child, or for you, this is what you’ve been searching for!

I want to save everybody on the planet. But that’s probably not going to happen. Soon everybody will know about me and my free gift. But that’s just my dream. Not reality. At most I’ll probably only be able to give this to a few million people. You are very fortunate!

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Speak Any Language Instantly!
It’s “FREE” forever! Right here:

* * *

My goal is to reach a billion people. However, most companies, most products, never reach that goal. Most of the world doesn’t have access to the finer schools, finer things in life. And especially not the career of their dreams. Especially not a gem like this.

What I’m giving you:

It’s not just about what’s in your resume. It’s about what I put in your head. A big, healthy, powerful brain (scientific tests have shown that my method literally increases the physical size of your brain, the cortical thickness, a layered mass of neurons largely responsible for thought, language, consciousness, and memory, and research has shown my method reduces the effects of aging on the brain).**

Your child, you, and everyone, deserves superior intelligence, and access to any career you want, anywhere in the world. And most of all, better health, a stronger mind, and body.

Some people use my gift just for that, to increase their longevity and health. They’re retired, or they don’t work, they just stay home and take care of their family, they don’t need a degree, promotions, career, or any of that. They just want to have a powerful mind, a longer life, a healthy life.

All of these facts have been discovered in research by scientists who I’ve quoted and you can see the quote and source at my disclaimer page here:

**Read our full disclaimer here:
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Yes, you can!

Whether it’s a better life, promotion, scores, degree, health, longevity, career, success, happiness or whatever else, this gift will give you an edge that nobody else in this world can have. The world has tried, all the universities have tried, governments, military, geniuses, the rich elite, nobody has succeeded in creating this, and now I’m giving it to you for free! They can’t do that. They would make you pay lots of money for this!

Immediate results! And it’s free!

Don’t be the last one! Perhaps I’ll only give this to a million people. You never know when I might die, and this will be gone forever. Make sure you have it first! Once I give this to you, whether it’s for your children, or an adult, whoever you give it to, it’ll be theirs, yours, forever. Because I tell you how to do it, and then you can do it all on your own, forever.

“Immediate dramatic improvement in fluency!”

Stop paying for lessons!

Speak any language instantly!

Stay fluent permanently!

It’s easy! It’s super simple! Just 3 minutes! Just reading!

This isn’t difficult. Can you read? That’s all it is. You’ll be reading some scripts that I put together, just 3 minutes a day, and you’ll see immediately how easy it was for me to create these scripts, and how I did it, something you could easily create all by yourself. You don’t even need me! You don’t need my scripts. You could easily create your own!

You can create these scripts all by yourself!


You found me! And now this is yours! Free! It’s so simple! So easy! Perhaps that’s why nobody ever thought to try this before.

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Speak Any Language Instantly!
It’s “FREE” forever! Right here:

* * *

Why the current public education system is a disaster…

The million-dollar budget provided to the government by congress, the millions spent by universities out of their own pocket, the billions spent by the military, couldn’t ever justify the development of a product that’s free, and costs nothing to create! These politicians, administrators, scientists would’ve been fired immediately! Because their whole job is to spend, spend, spend! So, they all looked in all the wrong places. They ignored this. Because it’s free. They went the wrong way.

Education is the way to change our world into a perfect one.

And wasting 10 years of a child’s life on an inferior education is truly the greatest threat to this world’s future and success.

You want your children to be geniuses…

That’s what an Ivy League education is supposed to give you. And yet I know many lawyers, doctors, bigwigs from big schools, who are working at restaurants, washing dishes, or as maids, nannies, and cruise ship stewards and stewardesses, instead of as the Captain of the ship, the owner of the ship, golfing, performing plastic surgery on movie stars, or consulting rich CEOs, or managing corporations.

My free scripts, that you’ll read for 3 minutes, each day, makes your brain grow bigger (this increased size is associated with better memory and sharp thinking in old age). It improves your chances of a longer and healthier life. And makes your brain stronger, faster, better (even in older people this changes the brain in the same way as learning complex motor skills such as juggling or dancing).

Read our full disclaimer here:
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#1). Full disclosure about our products and 3rd party products
#2). Can you share, steal, copy, sell anything on this page?
#3). Is anything here yours? Copyright infringement…
#4). We are not doctors, licensed, nor legally…
#5). Anyone we name or discuss doesn’t approve…
#6). Our scientific sources and references…

Read our full disclaimer here:
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Speak Any Language Instantly!
It’s “FREE” forever! Right here:

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You Can’t Read?

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By Ben Arnold
Written 2017–9–6

Ben Arnold is a CEO/Chair at ChatFellow LLC and is just one of many executives who lead the ChatFellow family. We have offices and CEOs in nearly every country around the world. You’re always welcome to visit us. Please visit us anytime. You can email me at anytime for any reason. Thank you for caring about your health, happiness, and success. And for caring about the world around you. We’re a for-profit business but we have charitable minded objectives. We give our program for free to impoverished school systems around the world. And to entire cities in under developed nations. Even the most far and remote locations of the world! When you contribute to our company by purchasing our program you enable us to distribute our life changing, life saving, life enhancing program to millions of others, totally for free, saving millions of lives. We’re trying to make the world more unified through global communication. And solving the world’s problems through education. We believe each person deserves an awesome life. All 7 billion of us! Your world thanks you! -Ben :-D




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