Use It Or Lose It
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The hardest aspect of learning to speak a new language is overcoming your desire to translate every word, every sentence, and think about grammar, etc. Those actions will slow down your speaking. Very much! It’s impossible to have a conversation if you’re constantly trying to rewind and translate every word and sentence. Grammar is for in the classroom and for editing your writing. Speaking must be natural. Your brain needs to react at lightning speed. It must be smooth. Natural.
To help you overcome this awful tendency I’ve created special scripts. This detrimental tendency is the #1 reason why 70% of the people on this planet cannot speak a second language. And the 30% who can speak a second language cannot speak it fluently; most of them. Because they don’t have opportunities to practice speaking and because they slow down to try and translate everything. And another conversation killer is grammar. If you’re trying to perfect your words and sentences and pronunciation you’re going to slow down your conversation dramatically.
Your listener is going to get bored and walk away.
These scripts contain elements that improve your ability to understand. But ironically that doesn’t mean that you’ll be translating anything. I’ve made it almost impossible for you to translate these scripts. Because I want you to focus on only one thing: Rate of movement. How fast are you speaking? Too slow? Too fast? And is it smooth?
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Most school books were written 20 years before you read them. They were published 15 years before you read them. And you probably don’t graduate from school or get a career and begin using what you learned until a few years later. In other words everything you learn in school is outdated. They don’t realize that the language changes a little each year. Every 5 years a language changes dramatically. Every year no less than 10 idioms vanish. And 10 words. And 10 sentences. They’re either altered or replaced or simply dropped. Because times change. After 5 years that’s 50 idioms, 50 words, 50 sentences.
Do you know the new words? The new idioms?
The new sentences? No, not if you learned the language in a classroom using college text books.
And those books that are 20 years old are actually a revision of the previous book that was also 20 years old. A few revisions were made to try and update it as best as possible. And so the foundation and majority of content in that book are actually 40 years old.
It’s no wonder why schools use Shakespeare and the Bible to teach English. Because they have no idea.
Usually class room education makes things easy, perfect, without any acceptance of failure or variation. Real life isn’t perfect, neither is the language, it’s only perfect in the class room.
That’s why most people never become fluent and can’t understand what they’re hearing on the radio, in movies, on the streets, at the work place, in the real world. When they’re ready to accept reality they’ll have accomplished the first step in achieving real communication.
There’s more to languages, or rather, languages are simpler than even most experts are aware of. Experts don’t even know yet how it’s possible that a 3 year old baby can speak the language.
Languages are still a mystery in large part even to the experts.
My program and my understanding of the language is based in large part on reality, what happens in the real world, rather than theories discussed in a class room.
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If a 3 year old child can learn the language, then so can you. Natives don’t study their own language as seriously as the average foreigner does. For example, the English language tests given in Japan, India, South Korea and around the world, in universities usually cannot be passed by native speakers.
Why is that?
It’s because native speakers don’t take it as seriously, since they already can speak the language, and because schools don’t necessarily teach the language, they’re teaching grammar, which is not far from being mere theory. When you open your eyes, and actually look at the world, live in the world, and accept reality, things become so easy, simple, and hopefully satisfying.
There are many more aspects to a language than just pronunciation, alphabet, rules, paper and pencil, conversation, etc.
We use language for expressing our frustration, our pain, even when we’re alone! We use language to get what we want, to apologize, to save ourselves, to save others, to hurt others, to sing, to scare away animals, to make animals come to us, to blow out candles, to create echoes in a canyon, to spit out water, to calm our own fears, to unload our emotions on somebody else, etc.
Words don’t just carry meaning, they don’t just carry sounds, and they don’t just carry words. They also carry emotions. They reveal things about us to others that we didn’t even know.
Our brain can recognize people’s faces without us doing anything to cause that to happen. Just like our lungs breathing and our hearts beating.
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Our brain can also recognize a person’s voice. Our brain can recognize when a person is lying, or scared, or angry. There are so many more aspects to language that what we’re taught in a classroom. We must learn to talk in groups, not just one-on-one.
Also, you could be the best speaker of a foreign language but when asked to be a translator for someone, the words won’t come, your brain simply won’t do it.
Why is that?
Translating obviously utilizes a different part of our brain. If we haven’t trained for it, ever done it before, it’ll be like trying to ride a bicycle for the first time.
It’s the same when you’ve only learned to read and write a language and suddenly somebody asks you to have an audible conversation in that language, speaking and listening, and you can’t.
Use it or lose it.
These different activities obviously use different parts of the brain. It’s like you’ll hear me say repeatedly: If you don’t use it, you’ll lose it.
And that applies equally to the fact that if you’ve never done it before, you’ll won’t be able to do it, until you’ve tried it a few times and gotten some practice.
It’s the same when you’ve only learned to read and write a language and suddenly somebody asks you to have an audible conversation in that language, speaking and listening, and you can’t.
That is perhaps the most amazing thing about my scripts, is that it allows you to do something that ordinarily you’d never be able to do. Even during a conversation, when is the last time you talked about anything other than the weather?
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Speak Any Language Instantly!
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Even with friends and family, isn’t your conversation pretty much always the same content? Talking about your job, your family, your school, the times you were sick, your frustrations, talking about friends, occasionally discussing church, and a few other aspects of life. Perhaps you discuss finances, etc.
Rarely does it go beyond these things.
You probably utilize the same vocabulary and phrases for many of these topics. Most people don’t have time, energy, or desire to discuss many topics with other people. Most people simply don’t have time. They wish they could communicate with their loved ones on a more regular basis.
But life isn’t fair.
And so, when will you ever have these conversations?
Well, now you can! In any language! You now are doing it. Your brain will get to feel what it feels like to actually speak those languages, regardless you get the opportunity, or have conversation partners, or are put in those situations, or not.
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Speak Any Language Instantly!
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You will get to experience every situation, every topic, from every perspective, every role, and every angle possible. How many native speakers, or foreign speakers get an opportunity like that? You will be one of the best speakers because of my lessons.
Live longer!*
A larger brain!*
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Scientific fact: A bilingual brain is resistant to disease! Even resistant to aging! And increases in size! Read the scientific reports at the bottom of this page! Did you know that the brain increases in size based on how well you speak that second language? Keep reading!
Movie Scripts!
My scripts are really nothing more than movie scripts. But how does this work? Read my movie scripts out loud (with your mouth and tongue)! You’ll become fluent by speaking! Your brain automatically and naturally does all of the hard work for you. All you do is speak. Your brain is listening, noticing, comparing, calculating, tagging, recording, and remembering. And also it requires muscle memory (yes, your tongue and mouth have muscle memory).
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Speak Any Language Instantly!
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Speak Now!
Be fluent now & never lose it!
Why should you speak more than one language? I’m not saying that you should “learn” a second language. No. I’m saying that you should “speak” a second language. Up until now, most schools around the world teach their students a second language. Almost everybody on this planet learns a second language in school. But learning and speaking are two different things! It’s a horrible tragedy that most students graduate from school unable to speak that language fluently. The language that they spent 6–10 years studying. How tragic!
Maintaining your language after you’ve obtained it, is perhaps the most horrible aspect of human nature, we simply can’t maintain something that we’re not using. We either use it or we lose it. Humans are forgetful. Our brains are not completely under our control. Whatever we’re not using will usually fade away until it’s completely gone within 5 years or less.
It only comes back when we start using it again. And it might not come back in its entirety. That’s a really scary thought! My program allows you to bring back that language, and make it whole again! And this time you’ll keep it! Permanently! No more forgetting! Because now you’ll be using it!
Or if you’ve never spoken that language, my program makes you fluent in that language, fast! And you’ll never lose it! You don’t need a conversation partner. My unique, all new, exclusive program makes you the best conversation partner you’ve ever had. Your best conversation partner is you!
Before I finish this article I just wanted to say how important communication is and that everybody should be able to communicate all around the world but we can’t do that if we don’t speak the same languages.
Did you learn a foreign language in school? Can you speak it fluently? Don’t let those years and money spent be a waste! You can “Speak Any Language Instantly” and it’s free. Everybody in the world speaks one of 15 languages.
And I give you all 15 languages, for free! After finishing reading my article, please visit ( because this 3-minute program will make you fluent! Please read my disclaimer which is where I’ve put the long list of scientific sources and quotes of scientific research that shows that speaking a second language fluently will increase the size of the brain, make it disease resistant, and slow down the effects of aging so that you live longer and have a quicker mind and more productive life, as well as greater career advancement and academic performance and achievement!
And it’s all free! That’s right! Speak any language instantly! Be fluent fast, easy, permanently. It’s “FREE” forever! Right here:
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Speak Any Language Instantly!
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You’ve been reading:
“Use It Or Lose It”
Written: 2017–11–11
By Ben Arnold
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About the author:
Ben Arnold is a CEO/Chair at ChatFellow LLC and is just one of many executives who lead the ChatFellow family. We have offices and CEOs in nearly every country around the world. You’re always welcome to visit us. Please visit us anytime. You can email me at anytime for any reason. Thank you for caring about your health, happiness, and success. And for caring about the world around you. We’re a for-profit business but we have charitable minded objectives. We give our program for free to impoverished school systems around the world. And to entire cities in under developed nations. Even the most far and remote locations of the world! When you contribute to our company by purchasing our program you enable us to distribute our life changing, life saving, life enhancing program to millions of others, totally for free, saving millions of lives. We’re trying to make the world more unified through global communication. And solving the world’s problems through education. We believe each person deserves an awesome life. All 7 billion of us! Your world thanks you! -Ben :-D